Sabado, Enero 4, 2014


Change is the process by which the future invades our lives and it is very important to look at it.“Future Shock” describes the shattering stress and disorientation that induce individuals by subjecting them to too much change in too short a time. Meaning, it is a sickness of an individual who is not merely coped the change in our surrounding specially in terms of technology. Simply! it is the disease of change. In this book it try to show that the said change has implications and more important than the direction of change. There must be a balance between progress of environmental change and limited progress of human response. Successful coping with rapid change will require most of us to adopt a new step toward the future. It is also about the future and the shock that those changes bring. It is the product of greatly accelerated rate of change. It result from an inability to keep pace with the rate of change suffer from a kind of collective future shock. To avoid this we should always aware on what changes in our environment had. For us also to avoid  dehumanization. That’s all! 

Miyerkules, Enero 1, 2014


Educational Technology 2 is a new course in the education curriculum which has to come about from the need to adapt to a changing world. And as a future educators it will helps me to learn different strategies on how to use computer effectively to teaching. In result, it helps the student to cope up with the lessons and to catch their interest. It informs us the advantages and disadvantages of using technology that is very important to us future educators. With the help of this subject I can teach the students efficiently through technology. Learning this is also very important and useful to our country and it also be an enormous use for the professional and for us future teacher. It can also help us to ascertain some inventions for the generation. It refreshed and excites study given the idea that all learning should be fun. This will help application of skills needed in Educational Technology 2 because these are the basic programs/software that is going to be used in the Ed. Tech. 2 subject. We should get not fear on this course because it is mainly concerned on the teaching-and-learning process be integrated to technology to make it more fun and comprehensive in students learning.

Comparison Between Educational Technology 1 and Educational Technology 2

Educational Technology 1 (ET-1) course that give way for the learner to become awake, appreciative and equipped to use educational technology tools ranging from traditional to modern educational media. In this course the learner oriented towards for being dehumanized, the dangers of it which technology nowadays brings into societies. These dangers continue to affect peoples and cultures while widening the gap between rich and poor countries. It lend familiarization on how educational technology can be utilized as media for the avenues teaching-learning process in the school. It boosts the learner to human learning through the use of learning technology. ET-1 also explains learners on basic aspects of community education, the functions of the school media center. It also introduces the learner to what is recognized as the third uprising in education, the computer. While, In Educational technology 2 is concerned with “Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning.” This is focused on introducing, reinforcing, supplementing and extending the knowledge and skills to learners so that they can become exemplary users of educational technology. Educational Technology 2 involves a deeper understanding of the computer as well as hands-on application of computer skills. Et-2 aims to infuse technology technology in the student-teachers training. It is more on the application of the different modern educational media presented from Educational Technology 2. Educators can use technology in providing knowledge and skills to learners.